I’m facing a case that I didn’t notice before.
One site with ERPNext version-12
2 custom app that doing the diffent things.
in each custom app I need to override frappe.model.mapper.make_mapped_doc
So in each hook.py file I’ve put
override_whitelisted_methods = {
“frappe.model.mapper.make_mapped_doc”: “special_item_accountancy_code.custom_scripts_py.item_account_gl.make_mapped_doc_custom”,
and the another app
override_whitelisted_methods = {
“frappe.model.mapper.make_mapped_doc”: “customappfixongoingpr.customappfixongoingpr.custom_scripts_py.fix_26828.make_mapped_doc_fix_26828”,
I notice that only one of the override methods is call (always the same , I assume the one with alphabetically first name
Do you have a solution to let Frappe play all overrided method from all apps ?