[SOLVED] [ERROR]: POS Error in v7


im facing some problem in pos
i had my item paid already ang want to submmit it form pos buat it always shows draft in my sales invoice list

please advise


  • If you receive an error, read the error log carefully. Usually they contain useful information, which can narrow search range, or even contain exact steps to solve the issue.
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  • Use Code format if your question has some kind of code in it, it’s easier to read that way.


the problem is there is no error log… and there is just seems to be succeed but actually it doesn’t


@yashodhan @bobzz_zone

It happens to me to.

It seems all the sales invoice made from the POS will be saved as draft when the transaction was done. I can’t print the sales invoice (become the receipt to customer) after input the payment from customer, although the screen said success to submit.

Then I check to sales invoice, the status was still draft. And I need to submit it manually to confirm (it said in the alert).

What I need is : After inputing the customer payment, and submit the document, it will be said PAID in the status so I can print the invoice and serve the customer quicker.

Does POS in V7 have to be that way? Or Do I need something to setup on the settings?

Hi @satriandaru, @bobzz_zone

Thanks for reporting an issue, we are working on it.

Thanks, Rohit

Thanks @rohit_w we will wait for the fixs… :slight_smile:

@rohit_w how is it?.. or do you have some clues so i can help fix it ?

Hi @bobzz_zone,

We have identified and fixed this issue, we’ll release it soon.

Thanks, Rohit

@rohit_w can you tell me the dates?.. i need for my live server

Hi @bobzz_zone,

We have released it, kindly pull latest update and check

Thanks, Rohit