[solved] How to keep installation on version-13 release channel?

Dear all,

for some reason after staying on the version-13 release channel up to 13.24.0 , our production installation started to send announcements for version-14 betas. How can I force the installation to stay on version-13 and make sure that “bench update” will upgrade from 13.24.0 to 13.30.0 and not v14.0.0-beta.4?

Would " bench switch-to-branch version-13 frappe erpnext" before “bench update” do the trick?


I don’t think the notifications for updates are branch-specific. The v14 beta announcements come on the version-13 branch, too. If you were originally on the version-13 branch, I can’t think of any way would have changed without you changing it deliberately. It should be pretty easy to check with just a git status command, if you want to double check.

Hi Peter,

thanks for your input. What made me wonder wether my installation is on the right channel was the fact that version-13 updates are no longer announced when logging in but only version-14 betas.

If I understand you correctly, this …

[erp@mail erpnext]$ git status
Refresh index: 100% (6896/6896), done.
On branch version-13
Your branch is up to date with 'upstream/version-13'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
[erp@mail erpnext]$

… tells me that bench update would bring me to 13.30.0 and not 14.0.0-beta4, right?

Yes, correct. Usual boiler plate about always doing backups before updates, etc, etc, but everything looks normal to me here.

Yep, the update indeed brought the installation to 13.30.0 so that’s fine. Maybe for the records, I had to first do

npm install vue
bench update --reset

to bump the revision - without it stayed at 13.24.0 even after ‘bench update’.