[SOLVED] Installation problem [Easy Install]

I am trying to fresh install ERPNext on DigitalOcean but it is giving me this error:

I am on Ubuntu 16.04 x64. I was able to fresh install months ago, but not now.

What happens when you try to run installation again?


The same thing. Then I tried with sudo. It prompts me to add SQL and Admin pass. Does some other configs and the breaks here:

have you run prerequisites

apt-get install python-minimal
apt-get install build-essential python-setuptools

if not try to run prerequisites then try installation again

Yes, I did it. But I fixed it.

NOTE: As the first picture says, I was trying to do Easy Install from a user I created myself called frappe. You do not need to create user frappe. Just execute the code from root user and the script will do the rest.

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That works!!! Great enjoy

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