[SOLVED] Rest Post to Custom Whitelist function - Issue with the parameters

Hey guys,

I have a simple whitelist function

def test(name):
    return {'name': name}

I am using Postman to check it …

When I am using query strings (and I know its not the correct way, I just need to show the response), I get

See the query string inside …

I try to do it the correct way by sending form-data and I get:

I can’t understand that I doing wrong …


try with following arguments.

key: data
value: { ‘name’: 124 }

@makarand_b Ty for the answer, I tried … but still the same issue.

Just for future reference for others, “data” must be used only /api/resource/{DocType}.

I found it … But its really crazy…

The problem was that I was posting to http and not https to my server …

This is crazy …

@makarand_b Ty again for the answer :slight_smile: