[Solved] Script to show any number of rows per page when the list is loaded

I couldn’t find a way to specify that I want to show 100 rows when a list is opened. I assume there is a global option somewhere that would allow that. But here is a simple script that does it in v14. Be sure to do a reload to get the custom script into the page.

frappe.listview_settings['Employee'].refresh = function(listview) {
    // add a test menu item to the Action menu to make testing if anything is actually happening easier. 
    listview.page.add_action_item(__("Test option"), function() {test( listview );});
    // RefreshSet the grid length
function setListViewPageSize( listview )
    listview.page_length = 100;
function test( listview )
    frappe.msgprint("Test passed");