[Solved] Where did the Barcode Field get moved to in Version 10?!?

As I am loading items into a new version 10 system I cannot find the barcode field. It used to be in the Item record, but now there is no column for it in the import file.

So, where do I load the barcode information now?


Are you referring to the data import tool?

There is a Barcode column. Select “Manually” option for Select Columns. The barcode column should appear

Yes!! I selected ALL fields for the “Item” import and there is NO barcode column.


Just tried your method, and there is no Barcode column in the list of check boxes either.

It had to go somewhere!


@bkm just downloaded this template with “All” selected. Got the same result previously with “Manually” option.

I am on a production server at this version:

Installed Apps

ERPNext: v10.0.13 (master)

Frappe Framework: v10.0.13 (master)

And when I download the template with ALL fields it looks like this:

There is NO Barcode Column!!


@bkm can you check if your barcode field is hidden from Customize Form ? I hid the field and now can’t see it in the template.

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Thank you!!! Thank you!!! :star_struck::grin::star_struck:

Yes, the field was hidden! I just set up a test and installed a FRESH ERPNext version:

Installed Apps

ERPNext: v10.0.19 (master)

Frappe Framework: v10.0.20 (master)

And even in the fresh install, the field is HIDDEN. You have to know to go un-hide it in order to use it. You save me from a heart attack.


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@bkm glad to help! :smile: