Standard Email signature based on USer/HR entries

is there a possibility to have standard signatures based on user/employee data? It would be really nice to have a standard because the data are already in the system.

Looking forward to your help!


It’s already available in ERPNext by default!

Hello Max,
thank you. I know both options for the signature (the one in the email account, the other in the user settings). What I looking for is possibilty to add something like the following. Maybe I did a mistake or it is possible in a different way.

{% set personaldata = frappe.get_doc(“Employee”, %}
{{ personaldata.employee_name }}
{% if frappe.db.get_value(“Employee”,employee,‘designation’){{ frappe.db.get_value(“Employee”,employee,‘designation’) }}{% endif %}
{% if personaldata.designation %}{{ personaldata.designation }}{% endif %}
{% if personaldata.custom_company_phone %}{{ (“Phone”) }}: {{ personaldata.custom_company_phone }}{% endif %}
{% if frappe.db.get_value(“Employee”,employee,‘custom_company_phone’)}{{ (“Phone”) }}: {{ frappe.db.get_value(“Employee”,employee,‘custom_company_phone’) }}{% endif %}
(“Email”)}} {{ personaldata.company_email }}
(“Email”)}} frappe.db.get_value(“Employee”,employee,‘company_email’)

Any ideas how to setup standard email signature with variables which are based on personal data?