@wale are you sure the data is missing for your current version ? what version you using ? and what fields are missing ?
did you change anything in the core code ?
Thanks for your response. Yes, I’m quite sure the fields are missing. Not sure what happened exactly but it must have been in the process of migration to V14
The site is on V14 latest… I’ve run bench update several times as you can imagine
@wale try to do bench migrate if you just migrated . if you have no changes in the core you can do bench update --reset . this will redownload and reinstall all tables/files.
Thanks for your response. I doubt this because other V14 instances I checked have those fields
This would have worked previously but now, the system automatically appends ‘custom_’ to the name of every custom field. I need the ‘job_applicant’ field particularly because some queries like frappe.db.exists return an error when a link field (like job_applicant) is missing
So, on examining the hrms code, I realised that the field in question (along with a number of other fields) are supposed to be created by the hrms app upon install. This somehow failed so the question now is this… How do I re-trigger it without losing any data ?
Thanks for your suggestion but that’s exactly what I did to check the impact of the command. The restore operation naturally takes the installation back to how it was before the uninstall…