Standard install but still cannot get socketio to run


Has anyone else had an issue with this and fixed the issue. I installed bench and migrated to develop branch. Trying to get socketio working and when I run the report “System Health Report” I get the ping on socketio fail… Can you assist me in troubleshooting what is wrong and how to get socketio working?

I dont find any other issues with the install and the site is operational on other features. Just cannot see how socketio is failing on the ping. I do see the server listerning on port 9000
“11:36:04 redis_queue.1 | 58219:M 06 Dec 2024 11:36:04.439 * Ready to accept connections
11:36:05 socketio.1 | Realtime service listening on: 9000
11:36:05 watch.1 |”

any assistance will be appreciated. Thank you.

kind regards

Try installing using this. It will work for sure.

Hi Yamen,

Thanks for your response, using this did you get your socketio also working, and is this on both production and development? Are you able to send me a screensort of your System Health Report?