Status "0" in custom workflow

Hey guys,

Still working on the ECN system (which I will send a pull request for when it’s finished) And I’m hitting a snag with the workflows

These are my workflow states:

These are my workflow transitions:

However, when using the workflow, it won’t let me save the new ECN, although it gives it a number

And it doesn’t show up in the ECN list, but notice the Workflow State as ‘0’

If I disable the workflow, all of the ECNs show up as drafts… not sure where I’m going wrong with this.

@cpurbaugh there might be something in your JS console when you hit save. Can you share that

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Aparently one of the states is illegal. Did you change, rename the states after you made the workflow?

I did change some things, yes. But since then I deleted the old workflow, states, and actions, and remade them. I’m still getting the same error.

I fixed this by creating a new doctype.