Step Bar in DocType, Need your inputs

Hi Everyone, I am planning to design a step bar that can be in the header of Doctype which gives easy fact visualization to status of the dock type and next steps all while providing fast navigation.
Let takes for example a purchase order, when we first create the order it will show the following

The blue means active (stile in progress not finalized yet), the white mean still not accessible. However, when the user submit the draft, the step bar will turns as follows

here green means been submitted already, and now receive and payment became active (blue) while invoice still inactive. now lets process the payment,

Now the payment is completed (green) and invoice became active. keep in mind steps are not linear (e.g. receive still active)

The plan is to show it on top of DocType for easy visualization and access to status and different functions

its really early rough idea, so I’m looking for your inputs what do you think?

A lot of work to implement this was already done in the run up to v7, but it got shelved. I would talk to the core team and find out the reason, so you don’t duplicate work.

The way it worked in the development version was to track through multiple documents. So, for example, a material request would lead to a supplier quotation, then a purchase order, purchase receipt, purchase invoice, etc. So you could click on any one of those documents and see (a) how far along the process it was (from the material request, see if it had been ordered, received, invoiced) and (b) have a link to each of those documents by clicking on the dot.

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@ganas the feature was really useful

@Ben_Cornwell_Mott is right, we tried it but finally decided against it.

The document flows are not linear so if you have multiple forks from a Sales Order or merges at an invoice, this does not give an accurate picture. “Related Documents” gives a better picture.

The code is still in there, so you can setup to play with it.


Thanks @Ben_Cornwell_Mott for the heads up, I didn’t know such a feature was in testing

Thanks @rmehta for sharing, I’ll go through the code and play with it :slight_smile: