Stock Effect From Purchase Invoice


Is it possible to have stock effects of item through purchase invoice without creating purchase order and purchase receipt .

Divyesh Amreliya


Refer post:-

In version 7, you will be able to update stock directly from Purchase Invoice without making PO / PR.

@shraddha And @nabinhait

Thanks for the information. :slight_smile:

Divyesh Amreliya

I tried this feature in v7, but realized that I can not make landed cost voucher against it. I can make landed cost vaucher only agains purchase receipt. Do have any plans on implementing this feature in future? Over than that v7 is a big improvment in UX, espessialy new input method on child tables. Thank you for your effort team!

In version 7, you can make Laded Cost Voucher against Purchase Invoice (with Update Stock checked).