Stock Entry for Assets (is Fixed Items)?

We intend to use ERPNext for inventory management and asset management in our organization.
We have two types of items in our organization: consumables and assets.
Consumables are items that are stored in the inventory and used in various departments of the organization or transferred between warehouses.
Assets are items that, after being purchased and entered into the inventory (warehouse), are labeled with asset codes and assigned to different individuals or locations. They can be moved between individuals or locations, and depreciation is considered for them. After a while, they are also disposed of.

We don’t have any issues with consumable items. We define them as “Maintain Stock” and control the inbound and outbound inventory in the Stock Entry section. We also receive various reports on the inventory (warehouse) status. Additionally, we use the Material Request section to implement the process and workflow related to requesting item from the inventory.

My main problem and question are regarding asset items (fixed asset items). On one hand, after being purchased, asset items are first entered into our organization’s inventory (warehouse) and received by the storekeeper before being transferred to individuals or locations. However, in ERPNext, we cannot update the inventory for assets.
On the other hand, our managers want to see the current quantity of a specific asset in a particular warehouse (inventory status). This is not an issue for consumables, but how can we obtain the inventory for our assets?

In fact, assets are exactly like consumable items until they receive an asset code and asset label. They are entered into the warehouse after being purchased, and later, all or some of them are removed from the inventory and converted into assets.

Furthermore, in the process of requesting items or Material Request, we cannot select assets.
What should we do about these issues? What is the solution?"

Thanks …

You can purchase assets via material requests and purchase receipts. But they are not treated as stock items, so you won’t be able to see them in the ledger.

For viewing the current qty of assets, you need a custom reports, as there are none right now in the system.

@mohsen_zanjani Try using asset capitalization module where you can consume inventory to create assets and vice versa


While creating a material request, fixed assets should definitely appear in the dropdown list.
If they are not appearing, then there are chances that you might have disabled ‘Allow Purchases’ in the item master of that particular fixed asset item.
Please check this particular setting once and then see if you are able to raise a mr or not.

There is an option to view the assets ledger location wise.

Asset List > List View > Report > Add Group > Location.
This will reflect the number of assets in one desired location.