Stock Entry Quirks

Hey Guys,

In the stock entry, would it be possible to show the quantity after transaction in the line item that’s being worked with? Also, In the stock entry detail, if you put in the part number before the warehouse, and select the warehouse, the in stock quantity doesn’t update. You have to go to the item and reselect it. When you reselect it, the quantity reverts back to 0.000, which results in really clunky data entry.

I propose:

  1. Select Item.
  2. Warehouse selection list displays only warehouses with that item, and the quantity.
  3. Once selected, the quantity updates.
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Thanks, just pushed a fix.


I’m currently trying to figure out nr. 2
2. Warehouse selection list displays only warehouses with that item, and the quantity.

I’m trying to filter on warehouse with choosen item and on selection, use the current script of stock entry to retrieve actual qty at location.
Will update if I have a fix. Any help appreciated.