Stock Ledger Sorting

Before, Stock Ledger report was sorted by date desc…so we can see last transaction and balance at top row.

But now in the latest version, it’s Asc date so the latest is at bottom row. We can sort it desc by click date column…but how to default it back to date desc?

We have added “Opening Balance” row in Stock Ledger report recently. It does not make any sense sorting in descending order after showing opening balance, thats why we have sorted the data in ascending order.

I would agree with @jof2jc. It is a lot more practical for viewing to have transactions in descending order.
What about this then"
Put the opening balance at the bottom, then go in ascending order from the bottom, so we have the most recent dates at the top.

+1 @Francois_Ifitwala. End-user’s point of view would prefer desc order to see recent movements at the top