Stock product ID Supersession

Product A ID number 123 is superseded by product B ID number 456, the stock sale and purchase history of product B should remain the same of that of product A for forecasting and reordering purposes - Is it possible to have have such a function? preferably working as a tool like the Stock UoM replace utility.

Try making a “Repack” type stock entry and set stock of A to 0 and B to stock of A (?)

I made the following entries;

A Qty 0
B Qty 200 (Stock Qty of A)

When I try to save I get the following error;

Row 1 (Stock A which is 0): Qty is mandatory.

Any ideas where I could be going wrong?

Just leave the target warehouse blank for item A in the stock entry.

Great! this works;

Stock of A moved to B and an audit trail of both the superseded and superseding items are retained.