Stock Reconcilliation Entry Rejected If No Variance

Hi All,

The default behaviour of ERPNext stock reconciliation entry is to reject the entry if there is no variance between book and physical stock.

We have instituted a practice of regular stock counts throughout the year and would want the stock reconciliation to be recorded as evidence that the count was duly conducted.

Is there a way to override this rejection?


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Nope! Your bet bet is to attach a file with the Physical Stock Count and also do a QC Sheet where the Stock Balance after you submitted the Stock Reconciliation matches perfectly with the Physical Count.

Hope this helps.


Hi JayRam,

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I did not understand your suggestion of “QC Sheet” and would be grateful for a bit more elaboration. I have not use any of the quality control features as of yet.

With regards to the Stock Reconciliation, is there a reason why items with no variance are not allowed to be submitted? I presume this is enforced through a simple validation check? If it is a simple validation check, would it not be easy to implement a user-defined setting that overrides this validation? Do you think this should be suggested as feature request?



We’ve overcome this limitation by creating another grid in the S.R.E. form. We check stock level for each item and if there is no variance for an item we’ve moved that item to second grid. That way we just record it.

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Hi Sameer,

I think I confused you. The QC Sheet i was referring to is a Spreadsheet that takes the Physical Stock Count and after the correction entries are posted, does a vlookup from the physical stock worksheet and the Stock Balance worksheet (the stock balance worksheet is the export of the stock balance report after the correction entries are posted) and provides the reassurance that the numbers reconcile perfectly.

I typically run such a reconciliation for my clients when they want me to update the stock quantities or valuation rates.

Why lines without changes in quantity and valuation rates are removed from the stock reconciliation document? It makes sense to do that. It’s just the way the person that initially designed to module decided to to that, I guess.

If you want a record of the values that haven’t changed, Turker’s in the next post (or moving such values to another Child Table) is s great idea. I guess he’s written a bit of code to be able to accomplish this, so maybe you get inspired by that. Or ask him to share his code. :slight_smile:

Hope this helps.



I really don’t remember which project we were working on for that problem. If I somehow find it, I would happily share it.

Hi @JayRam,

Really appreciate you taking the time to elaborate further.

Why lines without changes in quantity and valuation rates are removed from the stock reconciliation document? It makes sense to do that. It’s just the way the person that initially designed to module decided to to that, I guess.

It makes sense to remove lines of items without variance from a technical efficiency point of view. From my business process point of view I find it to be deficient as follows:

  1. At year end, we stop production for multiple days to complete a full stock count (full scan of facilities and not just what appears on stock balance report). Our inventory includes thousands of SKUs. As you can imagine a lot of data entry work is required to input the results of the full stock count across multiple stock reconciliation vouchers (can only include 100 items per voucher). Due to lines disappearing, we really have to struggle to first ensure that all the data entry did not have human errors.

  2. I want to institute a process of a “rolling stock count” throughout the year whereby every item in our database is scanned for throughout our facility and counted at least once and updated in its stock ledger. At present, ERPNext only helps with make corrections to the stock ledger “if discovered” but not with a procedure to proactively check for errors and to improve our business processes. Yes I have created sub-systems using excel sheets but for me that defeats the purpose of implementing an ERP.

Would you agree a few additional writes to ledgers and “rolling stock count” update report would be a worthy addition? The report is something that the user can build on their own and I presume only would need the ERPNext team to add a settings feature that allows an override of the validation check that removes lines in the stock reconciliation voucher.

Apologies if you have found this to be a long rendition but this is a simple improvement that would make a big impact to our business.



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Hi @TurkerTunali,

Appreciate you taking the time to add to this discussion.

“We’ve overcome this limitation by creating another grid in the S.R.E. form. We check stock level for each item and if there is no variance for an item we’ve moved that item to second grid. That way we just record it.”

My aim is to be able to pull a monthly report for all items that would detail the latest stock reconciliation voucher number, date and variance for all items in the database on a monthly basis. This will help monitor and direct the “rolling stock count” process that I want to institute in our business. Will we be able to do so with your workaround?

Grateful for your offer to share your code and will happily accept it should you be able to locate it.



Hi Sameer,

Build an upstream document called Physical Stock Verification or something. This has the list of items, stock uom and qty in stock UOM and maybe the valuation rate too. It has the warehouse too.

Save and submit your document. This is your record of having done the physical stock verification. Now provide a Button to this document: Make Stock Reconciliation document and pressing on that will prepare the stock reconciliation document eliminating the items that have no change in quantity or value.

Hope this helps.



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