Streamlining the adding of customers?

How can i streamline the new customer form to only ask for the info i want? I often create new customers while on the phone and would like it if i could have a form that asks for just the basics, name, address, phone, email, ETC. and then when i hit save adds the various records. Is this possible?

Here’s a recent discussion:

Reading through that thread, looks like it’ll do what i want if i can figure out the code properly. The only problem? I’m not a programer by trade so some of this is going to be hard for me unless i can find someone willing to help me with the coding side.
The other issue i have with doing things like this is that it’s not going to flow smoothly with the interface layout unless it’s possible to edit the new customer button to launch that script instead of what it’s doing now?
Is that possible?

Yeah, it can be a bit tricky. From a technical standpoint, the issue is that Customer, Address, and Contact are actually three different doctypes, and the standard form uses some bespoke javascript to make them integrate as seamlessly as they do.

The Webform interface (described in the thread I linked) is handy for providing clean/simple interfaces, but it doesn’t handle joins between different tables like customer entry needs.

If you’re adding the details yourself from the main desk interface, though, I’m curious to know what the existing “Quick Entry” interface doesn’t do that you need. It manages those different table types on the backend, and it includes all the fields you listed explicitly.

If it matters, i’m on v15.

Hmmm, somehow i missed the collapsable sections, this should actually do what i want.
Curious, how would i customize this? Let’s say i’d like to add the fax number field to the contact details on the quick entry form?

In general, you can add fields to quick entry by ticking the Quick Entry property in the field (via the Customize Form tool).

In this case, though, that likely won’t work, as the Customer quick e try uses a custom form:

It wouldn’t be super complicated to adjust this, but it would require some custom coding.

This makes sense. If i do choose to mod this i would likely have to fork the project and submit pull requests back to the project? or would i do it as a custom app and change the add customer button to go to that form instead of the stock one? I’d want to make this so i can upgrade without losing a lot of changes.

No, I don’t think so. I’ve not ever done a custom Quick Entry form myself, so I’m not certain about how you’d hook it in, but most things in Frappe can be customized with a custom application that overrides the default behavior. This is really where Frappe shines. Some people fork the codebase for very low-level stuff, but for this kind of thing it shouldn’t be necessary.

For now this comes close enough to meeting my needs that i’ll just let it be. I’m sure there will be lots of questions in the following months as i get erpnext ready to use with my company in 2026