Hi team, i currently have one problem with the integration of Stripe on my webshop
I have the following Apps installed:
Frappe Builder: v2.0.0-dev (develop)
ERPNext: v15.48.2 (version-15)
Frappe Framework: v15.51.2 (version-15)
Payments: v0.0.1 (develop)
Webshop: v0.0.1 (develop)
This is the error that i get when i try to pay:
It says:
Jordimg Labs - Missing Information
It looks like someone sent you to an incomplete URL. Please ask them to check.
When i check my Stripe events, i can see that the API keys are wokring and the Stripe server is responding with 200 OK:
So ERPNext is reaching to the Stripe server…
This is my current payment gateway account:
And my gateway:
And lastly, my Gateway controller:
What could be wrong in the configuration to have this error showing?
My API Keys are not on Test mode and i can buy using those…
Can anyone explain?
opened 10:30AM - 21 Nov 24 UTC
### Information about bug
When I'm using Stripe Payment Gateway then at the tim… e of payment it is giving error that
`Some information is missing.
Looks like someone sent you to an incomplete URL. Please ask them to look into it.`
I looked into the code and found that in the stripe_checkout.py file, where we defined get_context, I have written some print statements for debugging the code and here, I found this thing.

This is the output of frappe.form_dict

and the output of this line : print(set(expected_keys) - set(list(frappe.form_dict))),

Means get_context is not able to get the payment_gateway key that's why the interpreter does not go inside the if block and giving error in else block.

### Module
accounts, ecommerce
### Version
ERPNext: v14.76.0 (version-14)
Frappe Framework: v14.85.1 (version-14)
Payments: v0.0.1 (develop)
### Installation method
manual install
### Relevant log output / Stack trace / Full Error Message.
`Some information is missing.
Looks like someone sent you to an incomplete URL. Please ask them to look into it.`
Issue with payments app… Still not solved (+4 months) please if can anyone take a look into this issue… What’s an ERP without processing charges
Is Stripe no longer compatible with V15? I’m running into the same issue.
And still going this issue…
As long as I’ve seen, this is an issue with payments module, if you go into payments github you will see multiple issues with the same log, they doesn’t provide any solution since october 2024
Version v15.53.0 seems to fix the issue . Install the latest version of ERPnext.