Suggestion for assessment result in Erpnext schools module

It would be nice if the following changes are made to the schools module:

  1. It should be possible to make an assessment plan for more than one course (or for the program specified in a student group based on batch) if a group of courses will be using the same Assessment criteria.
  2. The assessment result should contain fields for academic year, term and course.
  3. It should be possible to generate some kind of report card for the student, listing the courses in rows where for each course, the score for the various criteria​, the total score and grade is shown in the same row.
  4. The assessment result tool could use a save/submit/create button.

The picture below is an example of how a report card could be

Hi @crossxcell99,
We have created a GitHub issue for the same, you can add your further suggestion there.

Was this ever implemented? I can’t seem to find any doctype in the Education module that renders a report card-like assessment report.