Summary of the foundation call held on 10th May 2018

Hello Everyone.

Here is the summary of the foundation call held on 10th May 2018.

Contribution from Fellows

  1. Fellows to take more initiative and contribute, Especially in creating training resources.
  2. Basawaraj to write an email asking fellows to set a goal for next three months.
  3. Consider multiple criteria including contributions made while offering fellowships


  1. Improving documentation is a priority for Foundation
  2. Service Providers to contribute in improving documentation (including videos).
  3. Basawaraj to share a tutorial on contributing documentation through a PR (Pull Request)
  4. If PR mechanism doesn’t work, we need to consider moving to an alternative system like Wiki.

Guidelines on how to build a sustainable business as a service provider

  1. Deepak Pai @Not_a_countant and Ashish Desai @ashishdesai will write blogs.


  1. Basawaraj to consult community through the discussion forum and create a GitHub issue with details on what changes are needed. Include details on how customer portal data should be handled.

Conference Ticket

  1. Discussion on the conference hall.
    Basawaraj to create a discussion forum topic asking community members to comment on Mysore association auditorium is good for this year’s conference or should we move to a better place.

Foundation Hiring

  1. Continue to consult community members on what is their expectation from Foundation. Proceed with hiring only after a clear job description is defined for a full-time role.

Improving Documentation should be a priority. Documentation should also be searchable.

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How can you help us in doing that? :slight_smile:

You can send a PR with updated documentation, you can make videos, tutorials.

Any kinda of contribution is appreciated.


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Right on @Obinna_Ukwueze. I would think it would also be easy to link to the source code document; the right line is probably asking too much based on the rate of change, though maybe this could be automated.

Sure. I’ll do my bit.

Count me in for documentation update. Would need assistance on how to send PR as my experience has been to type manuals in MS Word document. Missed today call due to other meetings.


Could we nominate a leader? Build a small team of interested parties.Thanks :slight_smile:


@Muzzy, @Obinna_Ukwueze, would you guys like to lead this?

Count me in.

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is there a module called documentation? Could we start one and if already one exists, could we give it a reboot?

Also who is leading the modules and regrouping them once in while? Is that concept still alive? Could we regroup and make assessment which of them are active and which are not so much?

I just created one for Documentation.


Am in on this. Give me a few days to get my head around it. Can someone give us pointers how to go about it.

i have a simple approach:

  1. envision where we want to be (how should our documentation look)
  2. find the gap to target state
  3. break down the gaps into pieces
  4. assign pieces to people (resources)

Rinse and repeat. :slight_smile:


This is a very good approach and a good one for a committee-sized-group as opposed to the whole foundation.
I will be happy to receive assignments where you guys think I can help. Don’t take on too much writing yourselves - the job of organizing this is hard enough all by itself.

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Thank you for the offer. @tmatteson

First assignment, would you mind to add yourself as a contributor or and editor in the documenting module team? :slight_smile:

@Not_a_countant Thanks. Done. Here’s how I think to approach the updates.

  1. Start with the first User Module contents from top to bottom.
  2. Re-write the existing content but keep track of changes made (Check for spelling errors, simplification of text and contextualization).
  3. Share the content with module volunteers for their views.
  4. Keep timeline of 3 days for response (else we may just be playing ping-pong with reiteration).
  5. Upload text to the site. (not sure how this will be done, need guidance)

Hope this is fine way of doing it. Let me know if anyone has better alternative.


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Thanks @Muzzy :slight_smile: Shall we speak on telegram? Do you have telegram? Thanks

This needs to be done through a pull request on GitHub.

I am sharing a tutorial on this soon.



Sorry for not getting back earlier. Have been busy lately and didn’t come to forum. Telegram is blocked by ISP. Can we connect on WhatsApp? Please PM me your number.

Thanks. Looking forward to it.