Supplier invoice number


i want to fetch supplier invoice number in payment entry as i am not into programming but as much i have seen from custom scripts documents would this code be OK:

cur_frm_add_fetch(“Purchase Invoice”,“bill_no”,“supplier_invoice_no”);

From which form you are selecting invoice number
because the syntax is

cur_frm.add_fetch(‘link field name’,‘source_fieldname’, ‘target_fieldname’)


i want to fetch supplier invoice number in payment entry against our purchase invoice no.

But you might have to reselect a Purchase Invoice ID to have Supplier Invoice no. fetched.

dear have done like this please cehck if ok…but its not working

my first customization is working:

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Hello! i would also like to do this customization. what custom script did you use? how did you get it to work?

now you don’t nee to customize, now this feature is available in erpnext