Supplier Scorecard -> Special Criteria


We are currently implementing sustainability goals within our company and have started classifying suppliers based on this. I was wondering how can I assign sustainability goals into Scorecard Criteria.

My though process was to

  1. Add Tags into either Supplier or Purchase Invoice.
  2. Add weights to Tags (within Scorecard Criteria) and have them add up to a Max Score of 100.

Would this be possible, and if so, how can I make the Criteria Formula to read tags or fields from within the Purchase Invoices of a specified period?

You may get some useful information here

Hi @Pawan

Yes I did read through that document before posting. I’d you notice the documentation doesn’t show how I can add fields other than those already mentioned (which are agregagtes). It seems to me that scorecard only limits to those fields. Has anyone had experience implementing this feature and can shed some light or examples?

The documentation also suggests that additional variables can be added. Maybe you could explore custom fields and scripts further.

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Hello, Question regarding how the formula for the criteria

I want the formula to be like this:

received_items - rejectes_items / receiveed_items * 100

1500 - 200 = 1300 / 1500 = 0.86667 * 100 = 86%

how to do the formula we try

( {total_received_items} - {total_rejected_items} ) /total_received_items * 100

but error in formula. Kindly help us

thank you so much

I think you should try=> ( {total_received_items} - {total_rejected_items} ) /total_received_items * 100 if {total_rejected_items} > 0 else 100