Swedish chart of accounts in ERPnext

Hi all,

I’m evaluating ERPnext for a client and quickly ran into an issue: The chart-of-accounts is not compliant with the standard swedish chart of accounts, which is what my client need. So I tried to import a chart of accounts using the import feature, but I run into an error saying “The pareint account 1 - Tillgångar does not exists in the uploaded template”. Any idea on how to fix this? The first line in the Excelfile is the parent account for the parent account named “Tillgångar” with account numer 1, see the import file i created here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2ml68225l7bxm0mf9bi2e/coa_importer_template.xlsx?dl=0&rlkey=72n4d618da2ljl5ddg9tt11wm

Any ideas on how to proceed would be very welcome!


I’m new to ERP Next but i faced the same problem for Portugal.
After digging I found that the company must be created with the correct char of account. I didn’t find one for Sweden. My suggestion is that you create the file that is used as a template for the main chart of accounts.
If you go to apps/erpnext/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/verified/ you will find some files used to create the chart of accounts for other countries. Just copy one of them, give it a meaningful name and fill the tree (JSON) with the accounts you need.
Recreate the company using the new chat of accounts and then, if needed, you can import using the import feature.


In your file Parent account number is incorrect. For “Tillgångar” account number is 1000 for in the parent account number column also need to put 1000 and not 1.

You need to correct all numbers accordingly in Parent Account Number Column.


Divyesh M.

I got this when trying to import this file, any idea on why?

After some adjustments I got this error:

Any idea on why?


Please check Parent Account and Currency Columns heading.

Please map the required columns.


Divyesh Mangroliya

Can you take a look at this file; Nextcloud

I got it from @Anders and I have updated it a bit… but I cant still get imported…

I look at the file and as far as i understand it is correct…

Hej @Anders!

jag får en massa fel när jag importerar… har du lyckats läsa in BAS-kontoplan i ERPnext?


If you are using the “Data Import” option to import the chart of accounts, then you need to import it in two steps.

  1. First Import all Group Accounts
  2. After that Import, all Child accounts

Alternately use the “Chart of Account Importer” tool in the home menu.


Divyesh Mangroliya


I manage to get an successful import of Swedish CoA (called BAS). But now I struggling with getting reporting working in ERPnext. Has someone used custom CoA and got ERPnext working?

Hej Anders, har du fått ERPnext att fungera med BAS-kontoplanen?


I’ve now completed a full year using the BAS chart of accounts in ERPNext, and I closed the books yesterday without any issues. My company isn’t very complex, so I haven’t explored every aspect of the system or the BAS chart of accounts, but it has worked well for my needs. I’ll be continuing to run my company on ERPNext next year as well. Thanks to the ERPNext development team!

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Hej Tomas,

Jag arbetar med IT sedan många år på den svenska marknaden och ser potential med ERPNext. Svensk kontoplan är nödvändig för ekonomimodulen.

Jag är nyfiken på dina erfarenheter av ERPNext och om det finns svenska referenscase? Kan vi höras på telefon?


Hej Tomas
Jag får inte till importen, har använt mig utav filen Anders skapade. Vilka justeringar gjorde du?

Måste varje fält ha något ifyllt?