Syntax Error when Linking Doctypes Via Server Script

I hope you’re well.
I am trying to achieve an automatic creation of delivery note from sales order upon submission.
I have written this script but in order to link the docs, I need to populate the ‘items_to_load’ against the sales order.
The Script

`items_to_load = [“against_sales_order”, “sales_order_item”: doc.item]
for item in doc.items:
items_to_load.append({‘item_code’:item.item_code,‘rate’:item.rate, ‘qty’:item.qty, ‘uom’:item.uom})

#Create the Delivery Note
doctype = ‘Delivery Note’,
title = doc.customer,
customer = doc.customer,
company =,
docstatus = 0,
items = items_to_load,

frappe.msgprint(msg=(f’Delivery Not for {doc.customer} has been created’),title=(‘Automation’), indicator=‘green’)`

Error I get upon Sales Order Submit

SyntaxError: ('Line 1: SyntaxError: invalid syntax at statement: \'items_to_load = ["against_sales_order", "sales_order_item": doc.item]\'',)

I’d really appreciate some assistance.

hello, you may want to use {} with key value pairs like:
items_to_load = [{“against_sales_order”, “sales_order_item”: doc.item}]

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Thank you for the response.
That solved the problem but now I’m facing another error unfortunately.

The script includes the quantity field so why is it showing this error message?

@Rashid_Salim delivery notes can’t have items with 0 quantity

There is a quantity set on the item in the sales order. See below

I have also selected the source warehouse and still the issue persists.

Hi PyJumber,

I posted a secondary problem. Could you have any idea why it’s causing an error?

Thank you

Hello Rashid, can you post the whole server script code, i will try to look into

Here’s the code below:

items_to_load = [{“against_sales_order”, “sales_order_item”:doc.items}]
for item in doc.items:

#Create the Delivery Note
doctype = ‘Delivery Note’,
title = doc.customer,
customer = doc.customer,
company =,
docstatus = 0,
items = items_to_load,

frappe.msgprint(msg=(f’Delivery Not for {doc.customer} has been created’),title=(‘Automation’), indicator=‘green’)