Table field in dialog

I am using a table field in dialog , as below code

var add_template_variants = function(frm){
var data=;
var d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: __(“Get Template Variants”),
fields: [{
fieldtype: ‘Link’,
label: __(‘Item’),
fieldname: ‘item’,
options: ‘Item’,
get_query: function() {
return {
filters: {
‘has_variants’: ‘1’
change: ()=> {

    {fieldtype: 'Button', label: __('Get Variants'), fieldname: 'get_variants',
        click: () =>{
            if (d.get_values().item){
                    method: "dimensions.dimensions_util.get_template_variants",
                    args: {
                        template: d.get_values().item
                    callback: function(res){
                        if (res && res.message){
                            for (var i = 0; i<res.message.length; i=i+1) {
                                        'item': res.message[i]
    {fieldtype:'Section Break', label: __('Batches')},
    {fieldname: 'variants', fieldtype: 'Table', label: __('Template Variants'),
        fields: [
            {fieldtype: 'Data', label: __('Item'), fieldname: 'item', in_list_view: 1, read_only: 0}
        data: [],
        get_data: function() {
            return data;
        variants_remove: function() {

and I have 2 problems with it.
1- the table delete button always deletes the last row not the selected row(s).
2- the remove trigger is not working

i appreciate your support

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