Table Multiselect User are Removed after save


after save the users are removed

in which doctype?!

@Mubasher check this Strange behaviour from Table MultiSelect

opportunity and required site visit


@Mubasher go to the your multiselect options doctype and check it grid view

can you share ss where to find this option

@Mubasher U can mandatory of your multiselect child table field and also select grid view checkbox then your issue is resolve



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not link its a multiselect field mr @Meet

@Mubasher check this Table mutiselect field is not working in Lead Transaction


please go to your multiselect child table then add my instruction

then go to your multiselect table and then update my instruction

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@Mubasher did it work?!

This one work let me especify the solution as it is not clear
we need to enable in list view option in child doctype which we select in the multiselect table option

yes Mr @Jeel solution worked!

@Mubasher yes

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Thanks for the support!!