Table Multiselect

i have created one child table speakers which has only one field speaker linked to user
Another table Webinar , i use table multiselect to add multi speaker for a webinar , but on creating webinar and. adding speakers it says this speaker alreaday exists

Hi @msanjay05,

If you haven’t checked then check the concept of Table Multiselect.

Thank You!

hi @NCP I have checked and added but on using the same speaker for creating other webinar it says speaker already exist

Share your screen shot with doctype

As per your scenario, we develop the same thing.

Please check it.

We have not faced any issues so please again create or reset and check it.

Thank You!

Hi @NCP Create another webinar with same speaker

The same user can not reuse it.

@NCP can you please tell me any other solution to achieve this

Hi @NCP Table multiselect field not storing the data, it gets cleared while I’m saving

Hi @Robot,

Check the post.

And follow the step and check it.

I did the same thing @NCP But while I’m saving its not getting stored

Please open the User field in the Assignee doctype and select the
In List View/Grid view and save it and check it.

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Yeah, it is working now. Thank you so much

Hi @NCP BTW, is there any way to append user id to multiselect field from js?

No idea but you can try it.

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