I am using buttons to automatically set certain filters to make life easier for the user. It is working fine for parent doctype fields, but I cannot get it to work if I am trying to set a filter based on a child table/multiselect value. Here is a working snippet that shows how to set filter for parent doctype fields:
// Clear existing filters and add new ones
listview.filter_area.add('Doctype A', 'date_of_birth', '>=', from_date);
listview.filter_area.add('Doctype A', 'date_of_birth', '<=', to_date);
Any idea how I can use the filter_area.add functionality or something else to actually set the filter allowing the user to add even more filter manually? We can also use frappe.set_route but it isn’t allowing the user to add more.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!