Tax In sales Invoice Items Table

I have many Items one of items have it’s own tax rate other item use the default tax rate

for example I have 15 % tax which is the default for all items and I do not need to choose it in every item
also I have one item use 5 % tax so I go to Item data from tax tab and make the tax 5%

I add column of tax to my Invoice format as showing in picture

so in invoice format I multiply total net amount * 0.15 to get the tax of item the default as showing in picture

Every things will work ok except if one of item in tables have it’s own different tax rate

What Can I do to resolve this problem ,please.

Add this condition for tax calculation,
{% if %}
{{ item.amount *}}
{{ item.amount * 0.15}}
{% endif %} represents the default tax applicable for particular item.

Hi @Praveenkumar
The problem is there is no field in item table
From where i should take item tax value

@Hamza_Erpnext Add this condition for tax calculation,

{{ item.amount- item.taxable_value }}

In sales invoice item table
The column amount is the total net without tax

We don’t have column in item table for amounts with tax so we can not do this
Also i try it but error showing

The item row have a Item Tax Template field. The taxes will be calculated and attached under the section of Tax Breakup and GST Breakup.