We had Telegram integration with ERPNEXT V13 and it was working fine. After upgrading to V15, Telegram is not working. How to fix the issue? Any advice? TIA.
there a build issue in version 15 on python 10
Yes, needs update
you can also try webhook, send message to telegram chat or group using bot (its easy way)
i am currently using webhook feature from frappe
Thanks for your reply
can you Ex[lain the steps of you take by using webhook
Create New Webhook
- First Select the Doctype and Doc Event
- add request url
(replace bot token with bot father token) - Request Method - POST and Request Structure - JSON
- add JSON Request Body
"chat_id": "123456789",
"text": "New entry in Repairing: {% if doc.customer %}",
You can customize the text as per your requirement
You can also add button like this
"chat_id": "123456789",
"text": "New entry in Repairing: {% if doc.customer %}",
"reply_markup": {
"inline_keyboard": [
"text": "View Document",
"url": "https://abc.in/app/repairing/{{ doc.name }}"
You can get Chat ID with this steps
- Send any message to the telegram bot, if its group then add bot in group then message in group
- Go to browser and search this
- Find messsage which you sent, and you get chat id
- add that chat id in JSON Request
This bot feature as i read Awesome that’s way i need to install this App frappe telegram
if you run successfully please write for me the steps wich you tak
You can create bot with this BotFather bot, No need to write code or script
You are right i already did this and created Bot but i was asking this app frappe telegram ,
becouse in this have more features like commands etc
thats way i plan to use this
okay. No currently i am not using.