🚀 Test Our New WMS App

Hi All,

We’re excited to invite you to beta test our new Warehouse Management App (WMS) :tada:! It’s a Progressive Web App (PWA) that integrates seamlessly with your ERPNext setup on Frappe Cloud. No need to create any new masters—just plug and play!

:package: Mobile GRN
:package: Mobile Delivery
:package: Print Labels
:package: QC Tests
:package: Item Enquiry
:package: Bin Enquiry
:package: Picklist
:package: Stock Transfer

To join, simply register at the link below, and we’ll share the demo instance credentials:

:point_right: Register for WMS Beta Testing

For more details and screenshots, check out our blog:
:point_right: Transform Your Warehouse Operations with Frappe WMS

We can’t wait to hear your feedback! Send us an email on wms@dexciss.com with your queries & suggestions.


this erorr is coming

links not work

We are upgrading our system. If this shows up, just simply check in 10min. It should be working. Try now

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Hi asoral

I would like to test you WMS App as well as to register to your beta testing program.
Unfortunately, your links are not working :frowning:
Can you please let me know how to see a demo of it and eventually partecipate to your beta test program?

Thanks in advance for your support :slight_smile:

Hi Maverik,

Sorry about that. We are in the process of re-branding ourselves and thus the “.com” has been replaced with “.io”

Please let me know if you still are having issues:

Hi asoral

I have right now subscribed your beta test program :slight_smile:

Registration Successfull! We will contact you shortly.

:tada: Congratulations! You have successfully registered for our free WMS beta testing program! :tada:

We are excited to have you on board and cannot wait for you to try out our latest features. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of our journey! :rocket:

For any urgent query, drop us an email on wms@dexciss.com

Congratulations! :tada:


Thank you for requesting access to the WMS Beta Testing Program. We are excited to have you on board!

Below are your login credentials for testing the WMS PWA:

URL: [https://demo.dexciss.com/wms]

Please use the above URL to log in using your mobile phone browser. After logging in, add the app to your home screen to use it like a regular mobile app.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.

Best Regards,

Dexciss WMS Team

I have received your welcome email too (I enclosed it before), but the URL is not working :frowning:
I tried also URL: [https://demo.dexciss.io/wms], unfortunately it’s not working too.

Is there some way that I can install a demo of your App on my sandbox environment that I indicated in your beta enrolment form?