The documentation does not fully explain the status of the employee


  • Active: Currently employed and working.
  • Inactive: Employed but not currently working (e.g., on extended leave).
  • Suspended: Temporarily removed from duties, usually due to disciplinary reasons.
  • Left: No longer employed with the organization.
    i found this in chat gpt but i am not sure about in in system

That’s right.

  • Active: Employee of the company and currently working
  • Inactive: Employee of the company and not working currently (e.g. on long vacation or employee leave the company but some due amounts remaining in then company like End of Service or Last Salary). Also, Payroll will run on Inactive employee in the system.
  • Suspended: Kick off employee from the company on temporarily base or permanent.
  • Left: No longer employed with the organization and all dues cleared by the company
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this seems to be inaccurate as when the employee is set to inactive it wont allow payroll for the same

But there is one scenario

Employee leave in the mid of a month but employee salary is not clear.

The company make the status of employee is ‘Inactive’.

Then at the end of month when payroll run the employee will come in that payroll.

this is exactly my usecase but unfortunately this doesnt work this way, be it INACTIVE or LEFT, the employee will only appear in the payroll entry if the status is ACTIVE

yes the condition is for active only