The Frappe HR Mobile App not sync in real-time on local hosted


When I apply a leave on ERPnext desktop. the current status of it not updated on Frappe HR mobile. I need to refresh or clear the cache of the app, then only the current status updated. it looks like the app not response in real-time. I need help!
leave application frappe mobile

I tested it with the latest version, we haven’t found the issue on the local and frappe cloud side.

Thanks for your reply, after updated latest version the app have no problem.

Hi @Jaihyo , I’m still experiencing the same issue. Could you please confirm which version you updated!

Hi Swetha_R

You can try copy this code and paste it on Home.vue and then run bench build --force.
It will add swipe refresh circle when you swipe down the home page.

hey @Jaihyo ,
the link is not working it returning 404

    <template #body>
      <!-- Swipe-to-refresh functionality -->
      <ion-refresher slot="fixed" @ionRefresh="handleRefresh">
        <ion-refresher-content pulling-text="Pull to refresh" refreshing-spinner="circles"></ion-refresher-content>

      <div class="flex flex-col items-center my-7 p-4 gap-7">
        <CheckInPanel />
        <QuickLinks :items="quickLinks" title="Quick Links" />
        <RequestPanel :myRequests="myRequests" :teamRequests="teamRequests" />

<script setup>
import { ref, inject, computed, onMounted } from "vue"
import { IonRefresher } from "@ionic/vue"

import CheckInPanel from "@/components/CheckInPanel.vue"
import QuickLinks from "@/components/QuickLinks.vue"
import BaseLayout from "@/components/BaseLayout.vue"
import RequestPanel from "@/components/RequestPanel.vue"

import LeaveIcon from "@/components/icons/LeaveIcon.vue"
import ExpenseIcon from "@/components/icons/ExpenseIcon.vue"
import EmployeeAdvanceIcon from "@/components/icons/EmployeeAdvanceIcon.vue"
import SalaryIcon from "@/components/icons/SalaryIcon.vue"

import { myLeaves, teamLeaves } from "@/data/leaves"
import { myClaims, teamClaims } from "@/data/claims"
import { useListUpdate } from "@/composables/realtime"

// Define Quick Links
const quickLinks = [
    icon: LeaveIcon,
    title: "Request Leave",
    route: "LeaveApplicationFormView",
    icon: ExpenseIcon,
    title: "Claim an Expense",
    route: "ExpenseClaimFormView",
    icon: EmployeeAdvanceIcon,
    title: "Request an Advance",
    route: "EmployeeAdvanceFormView",
    icon: SalaryIcon,
    title: "View Salary Slips",
    route: "SalarySlipsDashboard",

// Fetch My and Team Requests
const socket = inject("$socket")

const myRequests = computed(() => updateRequestDetails(myLeaves, myClaims))
const teamRequests = computed(() =>
  updateRequestDetails(teamLeaves, teamClaims)

function updateRequestDetails(leaves, claims) {
  const requests = [...( || []), ...( || [])]
  return getSortedRequests(requests)

function getSortedRequests(list) {
  return list
    .sort((a, b) => new Date(b.posting_date) - new Date(a.posting_date))
    .splice(0, 10)

onMounted(() => {
  useListUpdate(socket, "Leave Application", () => teamLeaves.reload())
  useListUpdate(socket, "Expense Claim", () => teamClaims.reload())

// Swipe-to-refresh handler
const handleRefresh = async (event) => {
  try {
    // Reload the leaves and claims data
    await myLeaves.reload()
    await myClaims.reload()
    await teamLeaves.reload()
    await teamClaims.reload()
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error refreshing data:", error)
  } finally {

<style scoped>
/* Add any custom styling here */