The Item not sorted at the no. when do sorting using code

  function sort_by_section(arr) {
        const sectionOrder = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']; // Define the desired section order
        return arr.sort((a, b) => {
            // Primary sorting by section using the predefined order
            const sectionComparison = sectionOrder.indexOf(a.section) - sectionOrder.indexOf(b.section);
            if (sectionComparison !== 0) {
                return sectionComparison;
            // Secondary sorting by bringing items with 'CI' in window_door_type to the front
            const aHasCI = a.window_door_type?.startsWith('CI') ?? false;
            const bHasCI = b.window_door_type?.startsWith('CI') ?? false;
            if (aHasCI && !bHasCI) {
                return -1; // a comes first
            if (!aHasCI && bHasCI) {
                return 1; // b comes first
            // If both have or don't have 'CI', maintain their relative order (i.e., no further sorting)
            return 0;

    // Sort the `frm.doc.costing_unit_details` by section before processing
    console.log(frm.doc.costing_unit_details,"costing_unit_details before sorting")
    const emptyWindowDoorTypeItems = frm.doc.costing_unit_details.filter(item => {
        // Check if window_door_type is undefined, null, or only contains whitespace
        return !item.window_door_type || item.window_door_type.trim() === '';
    console.log(emptyWindowDoorTypeItems, "Items with empty or undefined window_door_type");

    frm.doc.costing_unit_details = sort_by_section(frm.doc.costing_unit_details);
    // Refresh the field to reflect changes in the UI

Empty the table and add the sorted data again, try to add from server side

This is use to input the data . no involve in serve side, The user key the item and i do sorting by the section A to D. then the No, will became unsorted ,it is really need to update the server side?

I found a solution

let sorted_details = sort_by_section(frm.doc.costing_unit_details);
// Refresh the field to reflect changes in the UI

// Step 2: Remove the original details (empty the list)
frm.doc.costing_unit_details = [];

// Step 3: Add the sorted details back to the list and reassign the index
sorted_details.forEach((detail, index) => {
    detail.idx = index + 1; // Reassign the "No." field based on the index

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