bench version
erpnext 11.1.11
frappe 11.1.11
Issue: When attempting to add “hours” to a timesheet entry in the timesheet detail entry, the hours revert back to zero, whether entering directly in the hours field, or selecting an end time. When entering hours in the hours field, it appropriately adjusts the end time, but then the hours reverts to 0. This causes the system to not add time, nor can timesheets be submitted.
However, if the “Timer” function is employed, the time is properly submitted and the hours stay populated.
I am not sure if I am missing a setting that accidentally became enabled that requires the timer function, or if something is corrupted.
What has already been attempted:
- Permission reset for Timesheet DocType
- bench reset-perms
- Removed erpenext and re-added
- Bench -site reinstall with database and file restore
- Prior to restore, issue did not exist, after restore of database issue returned.
Makes me believe there is a setting that I am missing somewhere, or some sort of database corruption. I’ve searched in as many places as I could think to search that would have something related to time, but cannot seem to determine what would be causing this issue. Again, does not happen on a fresh install.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.