ToDo - Automatic change status

HI Guys , is there a way that the ToDo will automatically change the status as completed.

We have ToDo to inform the employee that they need to create the delivery note for the invoice which is the reference name for the ToDo. can it be possible that once delivery note is made the status of ToDo will change as well automatically?

Thanks in advance

can be done via python server script.

thanks for the response, may i know where should i do that,.

Use Auto Assignment Rule. It can assign and unassign based on conditions.

this is what i did could you please help me

You may define the Unassign condition as well like status==“Completed” or status==“Cancelled”

Yes, i got your point however the document type is sales invoice. How can i define like if the sales order shows completed then it will be unassign. Thanks

Ohh… I thought it is the delivery note. You’re making an Invoice first and then the delivery note?

I believe you should try applying it on Sales Invoice Item then because the delivered qty and delivery note field is already available there to track the deliveries.

You may also explore workflow options to check the delivery status.

Yes delivery note first then delivery note.