Is there any way to keep viewing for the allocated persons only?
Can you explain a bit more what you’re trying to say with more context?
I don’t want every user to read/view the whole ToDo list except the user we allocate him for this task.
That is mean user will read only his tasks in ToDo list.
Use user permissions and assign user permissions to the users.
This will not work, because you will be needed to assign the user for every new task.
Not to the task, assign permissions to the users
Allow: User
For Value:
I think, related issue is also raised at:
Can you share a screenshot of the permissions you added?
Have you checked after clearing the cache?
Yes, I did, But still the same.
Create a server script with:
Reference Doctype: ToDo
Script Type: Permission Query
allowed_roles = ['Administrator', 'Director']
username = frappe.session.user
# Get roles assigned to the user
user_roles = [role['role'] for role in frappe.get_all('Has Role', fields=['role'], filters={'parent': username})]
# If user is in management, they can see all ToDos
if not set(allowed_roles).intersection(user_roles):
# Restrict access to only ToDos assigned to the current user
conditions = f"allocated_to = '{username}'"