Total Auto Calculation not working on screen, it works while saving

When i create a sale invoice, it does not calculation total quantity and total INR, therefore it does not calculate Grand Total and other fields too. But the gets calculated when i click on Save button

Which version?

ERPNext - 15

which in 15?

Installed Apps

ERPNext: v15.27.0 (version-15)

Frappe Framework: v15.29.1 (version-15)

Frappe HR: v15.22.0 (version-15)

India Compliance: v15.7.5 (version-15)

Microsoft Integration: v0.0.1 (main)

I raised the PR, so please check it.

If the PR is merged, the problem will be solved.

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do i need to update the erpnext? i see you gave me some java file, where to add i need to add

Open the PR and check the changes of the code.

PR means purchase request?

Pull Request, that i provide in the above post.

i think i am missing some procedure, actually i am new to this. when i try PR-41793, i get below error fatal: couldn’t find remote ref pr-41793
ERROR: git pull upstream pr-41793

You need to update only two lines in the taxes_and_totals.js file.

The line


appears twice in the file. You need to replace both instances with


thank you - issue solved

PR is merged, and the upcoming v15 update will resolve your issue without any customization or override.