Server Error
requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/method/translator.api.get_strings_for_translation/?language=hu&start=0&page_length=100&search_text=&FrappeClient=%3Cclass+%27frappe.frappeclient.FrappeClient%27%3E&translator=%3Cfrappe.frappeclient.FrappeClient+object+at+0x7f6820742b20%3E (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(“bad handshake: Error([(‘SSL routines’, ‘tls_process_server_certificate’, ‘certificate verify failed’)])”)))
This has been resolved… Please try again.
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I am faced with the same problem
Thank you!
Please close this subject.
Hi ,
Can you please tell how u solved that. I am also facing the same issue.
Thanks in advance!
The website was in state of expired ssl certificate .
Website owner renewed it.
Oh okay…thanks for the reply
The problem has returned. It looks like there is something wrong at the renew action. After 3 months (default letsencrypt) it gets broken.
Yes it seem the ssl certificate expired in 4 days.
Please developers take care of the renewal.