Translation is not working

Hello all,

In the form view of a document, I have a record where the project_name is set to “Inspection Center-1.” I’ve added a translation for this in Arabic within a custom app. The translation appears correctly in the top right corner of the form, but the field value for project_name itself remains untranslated.

I have also attached a screenshot for reference.
Can anyone explain why the translation isn’t being applied to the field value?

This is data, it will still be in same language you entered it
you can rename or change project name value

Hi @OmarJaber :

Customize form. Check if your field has “Translatable” option … It should work.

Hope this helps.

Hi @avc
I already tried this method but it is not working

Hi @arunachalam:

Seems not implemented for “Data” field type … (it’s working for link, select, etc …)
Not sure if this is the intended behavior … I’ll try to check.