Triggering Event Every Time Status or Field is Updated


I have made a working code to calculate a value in Frappe CRM. But this event needs to be triggered with a button. How to make the function triggered every time the status/field is change in Frappe CRM?

// Function to set up the form with actions
function setupForm({ doc, call, $dialog, updateField, createToast }) {
    return {
        actions: [
                label: "Update Probability Value",
                onClick: function() {
                    let revenue = doc.custom_project_revenue;
                    let probability = doc.probability;
                    let probabilityValue = revenue * probability / 100;

                    // Update the custom probability value field
                    updateField("custom_probability_value", probabilityValue);


Dear @jevht

Can you try this?

frappe.ui.form.on('Your DocType', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        // Hide the button initially
        frm.remove_custom_button('Update Probability Value');
    your_fieldname: function(frm) {
        // Show the button when the specific field is changed
        if (frm.doc.your_fieldname) {
            frm.add_custom_button('Update Probability Value', function() {
                let revenue = frm.doc.custom_project_revenue;
                let probability = frm.doc.probability;
                let probabilityValue = revenue * probability / 100;

                // Update the custom probability value field
                frm.set_value('custom_probability_value', probabilityValue);
        } else {
            frm.remove_custom_button('Update Probability Value');
    // Trigger the function when the specific field is changed
    custom_project_revenue: function(frm) {
    probability: function(frm) {

function updateProbabilityValue(frm) {
    let revenue = frm.doc.custom_project_revenue;
    let probability = frm.doc.probability;
    let probabilityValue = revenue * probability / 100;

    // Update the custom probability value field
    frm.set_value('custom_probability_value', probabilityValue);

Hi this code doesn’t work as it is frappe CRM which is built on frappe UI not regular frappe bench interface
