Trying to add Node modules, one of (Vuetify/ElementUI/Vuesax) to Frappe
but getting ReferenceError: process is not defined
Tried solution from this thread (How to add a node module to a custom app?) still nothing.
Note: few modules are working perfectly, eg. @morioh/v-perfect-scrollbar
Frappe: 12.18
Vue: 2.6.8
@revant_one, @netchampfaris, @umair any ideas ?
I would recommend browsing the POS-Awesome repository. I basically just followed what he did, and that’s how I learned to include external libraries.
Thanks for you response @dj12djdjs,
I think I already tried that,
Just after Importing,
1st approach,
import Vuesax from ‘vuesax’;
Vue.use(Vuesax );
2nd approach from in GitHub - yrestom/POS-Awesome: POS Awesome is an open-source Point of Sale for Erpnext using Vue.js and Vuetify
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
Err in Console
ReferenceError: process is not defined from (vue.runtime.esm.js:383:18)
Which Vuetify file are you loading into your app. It should be this one:
yup, I added that too in
Still process is not defined.
Is there any other files you’re including? Maybe Vuex, or other library?
No, I tried with different libraries each at a time,
Tried Vuetify, Then Vuesax, then Element.
Can you share your app_include_js
and your build.json
and your vue apps entry point source ?
I will try once more, and let you know.
I reinstalled everything, now the import issue is gone,
Stuck at this point,
Unknown custom element: < - v-btn - > - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the “name” option.