[Tutorial] Tree Background highlighter

In the Chart of Accounts if you have lots of Account Heads it will make you confused. which one are you checking? To avoid that confusion we need to simply apply some CSS customization. you can use this customization for any tree.

To achieve the above feature.


doctype_tree_js = {
        "Account" : "public/js/account_tree.js"

create a file in account_tree.js in the public folder

past this code in the account_tree.js

for (let i=1; i<20; i++){
            document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--fg-hover-color', '#ffdab3');
    }, i*100);

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Linkedin : Antony


Thanks @Antony_Praveenkumar. It’s very useful

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Awesome Work @Antony_Praveenkumar

Continue this wonderful contribution to our community.

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