Two ERPNext Production SetUp on a single EC2 Instance

Good day,

I have installed 2 ERPNext (production) on a single server, I manage to run both instances but on different port, can someone help to make the two ERPNext instances accessible using the same port (80)?

Hi Wili,

If they’re accessible on the same port, you need someway to distinguish which site is being accessed. This is usually done with DNS name.

  • You might like to consider a single instance in Multitenant Setup.

  • Alternatively, take a look at the nginx config for each instance. (config/nginx.conf). You essentially need to get the nginx server to load both of them. They’ll need to have different DNS names in this case too.

Hope this helps you get to the solution!

Hello Bansky,

Thank you for your reply, I’ll give this a try.

Hi bansky,

I’ve tried the solution you’ve suggested and I received an Internal Server Error

I’ve managed to fixed the Internal Server Error, the new problem that I’ve encountered is I can’t login to the second ERPNext instance, Stucked on Verifying

Do you have different domain name for both the instances?
Did you add DNS A record pointing to same IP Address for both the domains?

Yes, Sanjay I did

bench --site <site_name> build
Also check the browser console log for error.

Will do, I’ll post the result and screenshot here

[quote=“Wili, post:1, topic:60422, full:true”]
Good day,

I have installed 2 ERPNext (production) on a single server, I manage to run both instances but on different port, can someone help to make the two ERPNext instances accessible using the same port (80)?

No errors on the console

I found no errors on the console, I executed the suggested command. Same problem

Wili, could you please reset admin password and retry accessing site?
bench --site <site_name> set-admin-password <password>

Sanjay thank you for your prompt replies, I already did and I’m afraid that the same problem still the same

Sorry Wili, difficult to advice without any trace log.
You can check log files (bench.log etc) in log folder to investigate issue.

No problem sanjay, appreciate all your help