Two Or More 'Report to' the Employee

Hello team i want to set 2 or 3 report to to the employee how to set ?

Any one having idea ? please help me

Depending Upon the nature of why exactly you want second or third reports to on employee, you can add custom fields on employee doctype as following;

In this case, workflow approvals are served having first and second approver on employee where workflow condition are applied by using following scripts in workflow transition table;

frappe.db.get_value(“Employee”, doc.employee, “custom_first_approver”) == frappe.session.user and frappe.db.get_value(“Employee”, doc.employee, “custom_second_apporver”).

if i have two manager which one i have report . that why i need two report to.

it is possible ?

Dear Shubham

This is what we have achieved by adding custom fields and applying workflows on respective doctypes like leave application and loans.

ok sir