@revant_one@hsrai The idea is nice but why is frappe/erpnext not doing that via the system settings like that:
Create a new section in System Settings (PWA)
Make a on/on checkbox to activate or deactivate the PWA functionalities.
Let the user fill in all the data from the manifest json (could be via a code window or better as single fields to also define colors/icons etc.) Also let user enter data for the assetlinks.json to get a valid pwa
When activated just save the manifest.json under the root of the web-frontend and the assetlinks.json under /.well-known and like this erpnext can easily be transferred into a pwa for your setup.
Even the mobil app problematics are gone as tools like https://www.pwabuilder.com/ can be used to quickly pack and sign it as a app for all platforms and publish it to any store you want.