TypeError: assign_salary_structure() got an unexpected keyword argument 'company'


I’m tring to assign a salary structure to employees by grade and the error above shows,

500 - Server Error
TypeError: assign_salary_structure() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘company’

Where did I go wrong?


So I had to assign as per employee, but now another problem has risen, I can’t add an employee to payroll entry. Even if I select filters, Department/Designation, employees table never gets populated and if I try adding manually any employee by adding row on table, the moment I select an employee, the row just disappears without errors. Might this be a bug? Or is there something I’m missing in both situations?

Hey, @redgren did you manage to solve this issue? I’m having the same problem when assigning salary structures to employees.

Hi Duncan, unfortunately no. I did open an issue on GitHub but no developments on the issue yet.


This PR will resolve the issue.

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Great Work @pateljannat.

It seems like the error still exists on Frappe Cloud hosted instances @adityahase
