Unable to Approve the casual leave when the leave approver has sufficient balance

When an employee has “1” casual leave remaining and applies for leave, the leave approver intends to approve it. However, despite having sufficient leave balance, the leave approver encounters an “Insufficient balance” error.

@SaiKumar share screenshots or anything

@SaiKumar how about the leave dates .

@SaiKumar this is a weird message btw . what versions are you using ?

→ List of Versions which im using

bench --version 15
Node.js 20.18.1
python 3.12
Redis 5

@SaiKumar sorry , I meant your apps versions . frappe , erpnext and hrms .

erpnext 15.47.1
frappe 15.51.0
hrms 15.37.1

@SaiKumar I can’t find the error in the hrms app . ok open console and try again , when the error pop up capture the red error from the console , all of it .

when i change the status of the leave application open to approved or rejected its showing me the error.

@SaiKumar yeah I know . right click with the mouse, then inspect element , then click button ‘console’ . then try again , you will see an error in the console . capture it .
and also you didnt show the date of the leave .

@SaiKumar there is no function called insufficient_leave_balance_check in leave application . is that a custom app created in hrms ?
also fir the third time , share the leave dates .

yes, we have created HRMS. i have written the insufficient_leave_balance_check function.

even then its getting the error. it is hitting the logged in user leave balance then showing that message

@SaiKumar use the official HRMS app . why are you writing another one ?